Itse aloin miettiä asiaa tänään symbolisemmaltakin kannalta: mielestäni en nimittäin ole kameleonttimainen sen enempää luonteen kuin ulkonäönkään perusteella. En muuta väriä tai pyri sulautumaan ympäristöön edes itseäni suojellakseni, puhumattakaan että tekisin niin vain miellyttääkseni muita, kuten ihmiset kai yleensä. Aina tämä ei kai ole ihan hyvä juttu -
Tänään eräässä nettikeskustelussa joku varoitteli yksityisasioiden paljastelusta verkkosivuilla. Sellainen saattaa kuulemma koitua esteeksi vaikkapa työtä hakiessa. Tajusin, että jos joku potentiaalinen pomo päättäisi olla palkkaamatta minua sen vuoksi, että myönnän olevani/olleeni masentunut, en edes haluaisi työskennellä hänen alaisenaan. Olen sama ihminen sekä töissä että vapaalla, vaikka eri asioita puuhailenkin. En vaihda väriä kelvatakseni!
Kameleonttikaveri kutsuu minua myös muilla hassuilla nimillä, jotka saavat aina yhtä hyvälle tuulelle. Todellinen masennuspilleri hän kyllä on, muistin sen taas tänään tavatessamme (^^).
28 kommenttia:
Olen samaa mieltä tuosta omana itsenä olemisesta. Takinkääntäjiä on muutenkin tarpeeksi.
Itse luotan 90% sääntöön: jos tulee 90 prosenttisesti toimeen ihmisten kanssa niin lopuista 10 prosentista ei tarvitse välittää!
Aurinkoista viikonloppua sinulle!
Olet oikeassa siinä että ei netissä ole pakko olla anonyymi ja salamyhkäinen.. Netissähän pätee samat säännöt (tai ainakin pitäisi päteä) kuin tosielämässäkin joten omasta mielestäni rehellisyys toimii niin sähköisessä kuin reallimaailmassakin..
Osa syy tietty tähän suuriääniseen nettivarovaisuuden korostamiseen on se että monet netin aikana kasvaneet 90-luvun puolella syntyneet nuoremman ikäpolven edustajat eivät aina täysin ymmärrä että kyllä ne nettipäiväkirjan merkinnät osataan vanhempien ja opettajienkin puolesta lukea...
Hey, little bit, finally got around to reading that crap that you and your minions wrote last time. Not much to add except that I see you haven't given up your mendacious ways. You say that you are involved with nobody? Funny, in these emails that you sent me a week ago, you told me that you were involved with both girls and boys and that that was one of the things that you were most happiest about, but on your little blog, you parade around as a virgin (probably because your mom reads it). Hmmm.
Were you lying then or now?
Both times, I imagine.
And as far as your little friend Cat, I guess that you lied about her not being the San Francisco woman probably because you were telling me how she was trying to get you to live with her, but you didn't like her enough to do that, and about how when she was "doing you" with those things, you were writing me those emails asking to get back together and calling me up drunk. Hmmm. And you should know that I knew it was this moron Cat about whom you were referring. You told me that this simpleton describes people as "Flatlanders." Thankfully there are precious few of such idiots running around. So she is fairly easy to recognize.
Anyway, you go, Cat, you can pretend I am some Finnish teen, and you can pretend that I am some pretty boy with makeup, but if we ever did meet, I guarantee that you would shit your pants and keep quiet. You are simply getting played for the fool that you are, the unhappy housewife now tryng to get off on on mentally weak girls going through gender issue sexuality transitions.
And little bit, if you really didn't want any contact with me, you wouldn't be checking and commenting on my blog, now would you? At least three times you have drifted over there during the past week. Not such a good showing for one who wants NO CONTACT. No? ;-)
And, just so you know, I have been involved with someone the entire duration. So this has never been about a cold shower, or stalking you, but as I had said, trying to find out what was going on with you in your fragile mental state. But as it stands, judging from the lies you still tell and the pathetic quality of the company you keep, you still have a long way to go to justify changing the name of this blog. But recognizing that there is a problem is definitely a good start.
Kiitos kommenteista, Koo ja Aa. Anteeksi että keskityn tässä vastaamaan vain "anonyymille", toivottavasti viimeistä kertaa! (Teille voin meilailla milloin vain. Ja pitäisikin.)
Thanks, anon, for not using such a bad langage this time.
There is nothing I need to hide. Yes, I'm SEEING people. Too little, though; should get more scial somehow.
I haven't been reading your blog for several weeks, though, so if there is someone commenting who you think is me - it is not.
Glad you are involved with somebody. Like there had been any doubt about that, Mister!
Bit, that was you commenting on the blog, I am sure. Why lie? You made REPEATED comments that are only yours. And at least you admit that your little virgin act is just that, more lies. And if there had been any doubt about me seeing people, then you should stop the crap that you were posting on my blog about "IT'S OVER" and about me stalking you, as well as the comments here about me taking a cold shower. It is pretty funny how you just cannot help yourself about lying, just like the lying about commenting about Ana Ivanovic on my blog, as well as leaving your personal wrappers all over the place and denying that it was intentional. Little bit, when is your lying going to stop?
And why did you lie about your friend Cat? What was there to hide there? ;-)
Do you talk to the therapist about your constant lying?
And sorry, little bit, but you capitalize SEEING part, but in the email that you sent me it was about SEX. When will you get your stories straight? You just cannot seem to stop lying, hunh?
I shouldn't be replying anymore but in a way this is hilarious:
First, my repeated comments? Last time I commented on your world famous blog, Herra Anonyymi, was when I really had been drinking some as my anxiety was about to make me explode before I got to the hospital. You then replied with the words that I quoted here when you stop by for the last time: "Live your own life, go your own way." That is what I'm kind of trying to do here.
Second, WHO is Ana Ivanovic??? (Why are you revealing somebody's name in this kind of context? Not so very nice.)
Third, I have not used a word 'stalking' for once. I wish I never have to. You also misunderstood the cold shower reference; somebody was simply recommending us all to take one while we were having the not so civilized debate, just to cool down, I quess. And, later I said I would (take a shower) but didn't actually bother, so THAT was a little lie. Nothing to offend you, though.
The fourth but the funniest: Jeees, I have intentionally forgotten some mystical little plastic wrappers to the bathroom shelve of this man. But hey, I told you it was intentional, the so called how-often-do-you-clean-your-place test. Just for fun (but not so, for you started suspecting "my hidden purposes").
Cat can tell you about her self if she wants to. You've been calling her really bad names, and then some 'flatlander' hits you... I admit I don't understand the deep meaning of the term, but I do realize that it is nothing compared to the shit that you keep producig when talking about people you know nothing about ):
PS. Still waiting for the therapy to start. Poor people have to wait.
Take care.
I copied the "sex-mail" here (no sex in it, hmmm):
YOU: I remember when you lost the baby how you were saying that you didn't feel anything.
ME: I didn't. It came later. Still sad. But more certain now of not willling to have a biological child - I really do not have good genes. I hardly survive with my self ):
YOU: Then you get depressed,
ME: Have you ever listened what I've told? I was depressed for the fist time at 14. Then I was trying to kill depression that started at 17 by getting married at 18. And it has continued ever since, This is the second time I'm taking pills. But the first in hospital. I'm also seeing a shrink and still
waiting for therapy to start. For the past 10 years a lot of my energy has been used to hide this horrible state of mind, which has also led me to wrong ans stupid decisions.
YOU: and blaming me,
ME: Just myself of not Seeing.
YOU: are now seeing women,
ME: And men. This is a positive thing in my life. I've finally stopped to blame myself of this desire of mine being pretty strong. ( Sorry if I've blamed
you for that same thing...)
[Here you misunderstood, right? The other thigs that I was dum enough to reveal to you happened before I entered 'hullujen huone', like you like calling it. Sorry also of being "too friendly" to you, now I notice. It doesn't mean anything!]
YOU: drinking,
ME: No more.
YOU: and trying to relive your youth by smoking
ME: What the...??? You are not so good in Finnish after all -
YOU: At some point, you have to deal with your emotions,
ME: Concentrating on that really hard!
YOU: leading you to the place where you are today.
ME: This is not worse than any place in this world that I don't understand.
Good that you are happy. Happiness is always good.
I wonder how that message of yours got through. But that problem should befixed now.
"I've finally stopped to blame myself of this desire of mine being pretty strong."
Bit, this refers to sex.
Maybe YOU need to better read your own writings.
Today, I witnessed the migration of toads. I counted six on them on the road and one here. Anonyymi, you will never turn into a prince if kissed. Perhaps it could be fair to accept that you were a toad to begin with.
So, to the point, which is your intolerable feeling of weakness, which makes you act like a pile of hysteric cheerleaders in an earthquake when your vulnerability is exposed.
As a narcissist, you are a weak, fragile person as is obvious to everyone reading this blog. You turn into desperate measures when you are exposed as if your readers would be duped by you. You have to try a little harder than that, people aren't that stupid. Putting on a cottonpicking temper-tantrum won't convince them into your subservicience, either.
Enough said, flatlander. I am not wasting my words on you.
PS. Have you already read the recommended reading on narcissism?
"Enough said, flatlander. I am not wasting my words on you."
I think it's like the fifth time that you've said the same, unhappy housewife. I wish you'd have listened to yourself the first time. You offer nothing. You are meaningless.
And sorry, little bit, it is YOU who can't help yourself from lying.
And yes, your Big Toys WILL keep playing because you are an addict in that way, but your claim of chastity is about as honest as your claim of honesty.
You cannot help yourself from lying all of the time.
Hmmm, little bit, I see you had to delete the posts in which you were writing about how you were thinking about me after your little sessions with Cracy. And how you wouldn't want to stay with Cracy because she wants more than you are willing to give (but you ended up there anyway, using her just as we knew you would. Of course, there's a price, which you are willing to provide, but then it seems so contradictory to parade yourself as some virgin celibate, now hunh? ;-)
As far as the term, flatlander goes, that is just more of Cracy's projecting self hatred. Being from Finland, there is no country that is more flat, yet she projects. Just as the terms she uses to criticize me are "cheerleader", "princess", "hysterical" and other feminized terms, when she is obviously the woman, and I am not. Very typical behavior of these formerly unhappy housewives turned bulldykes who want to try to prove that they are more manly then men. Sorry, unhappy housewife, no plastic in the world can make you any less pathetic than you are. And YOUR hystrionics about your little bit even grabbing a coffee proves this more than anything I can say.
You guys are funny. And thanks, little bit, for the chance to make me laugh at your constant fairly tales, and for bringing your dancing monkey for me to laugh at as this broad calls me a princess while her bigger plastics reminded you of me.
Funny little gremlins you are.
gremlins kirjoitetaan ceellä.
Moi Satu ja Muut,
(Kyllä se taitaa olla gee.)
Mikä minua ja monia huvittaa on se, että suuhuni laitetaan sanomattomia sanoja, joita sitten yritetään käyttää minua vastaan. Ja niitä oikeasti lausuttujakin käytetään omituisten oletusten oikeuttajina. Samoin tehdään hätiköityjä johtopäätöksiä ihmisistä ja olosuhteista, joista ei tiedetä oikein mitään.
Tähän juttuun liittyy paljon surua ja pettymyksiä, joita ainakin minun mieleni vatvoo vielä pitkään. Itselläni ei kuitenkaan ole tarvetta tehdä "paljastuksia", vaikka se olisi kovin, kovin helppoa. Hänkin kun on uhri.
Maailma on paha.
Satu needs a spelling lesson.
No, little bit, this is not about going about old wounds and old stories, but simply was about your manipulation. There is no need to go over the past, but you have brainwashed your myrmidons to growl and roar so that when I expressed my concern for you, they went crazy. And when I have put them in their places, then the blame goes to me for using bad language. And when I call out your lies (not too many old ones, but new ones like writing on my blog last week), you try to play your favorite role as victim. And it is not about "unspoken words" but things that you have said, like your emphasis on your "SEEING" people rather than admitting the obvious :"
(And, Big Toys should keep playing with those who want to play.)"
It is simply that you cannot help yourself from lying in any and all communications, and it would not have been so necessary to repeat this, had your idiot friends not jumped on me with the moronic idea that they knew me based on what YOU have said.
I have no real animus towards you, and I hope that you get better. Yes, YOU were a real victim of circumstances as well, and you definitely suffered a lot. But you simply blame me for so much and have blamed me for so much that it is sad. But the funny thing is, as you know, that it was I who encouraged you to see the very whiny and nagging b#"%h who thinks that she knows me.
And this story is getting boring because yes, the point was to find out that you were okay. You were someone who I cared deeply for and, by having a child together, planned to be very close to for a long time. And these silly little geese want to pretend that just my wanting to see you meant that I wanted more from you, because of their own jealous little interest in your pants. But, as you well know, little dear, that never really was my point, at least since the calender turned 2007. But hopefully this blog and your new found sycophants can help you find what you are most sorely lacking:
Self esteem.
Best of luck, little bit. Hopefully you won't freak out the next time we see each other. In the meantime, stop telling lies and learn to take responsibility, cut down on the brain pills, and eventually you'll be fine.
Hey Flatlander!
You know why you never moved to live up in the mountains even though you have a liking for conspiracies and free thought? The reason is that you are a nagger. We don't like any part of 'em.
Your avatar is a lonely animal with a crouched back worshiping the monitor, turning its back to real life. Picture tells more than a thousand words, especially when the words are repeated.
Ok, mutta sitä oon ihmetellyt alusta asti, miksi tämä Anon kirjoittelee englanniksi.
Onko hän ulkomaalainen vai onko suomeksi kirjoittaminen liian karua?
USA. Tosi älykäs. Päällisin puolin hurmaava, liiankin. Mutta tunneäly puuttuu täysin (ei ainoastaan minun mielipiteeni, tosiaankaan!).
Kantapään kautta sitä kipeästi oppii ):
catsy, when are you going to take your own advice and stop writing me, unhappy housewife? For someone who doesn't like to "waste words" you sure like to engage? Don't you know that I don't give a shit about you, what you think about my avatar or your opinions about me or anything possible? Go play with yer toys, cucumbers, bananas and even someone's head. You are completely meaningless and mentally defective.
Conspiracies? Get real. You're too stupid to engage in any discussion worth having. Go play with your toys and be quite a nice little plaything for little bit. She needs a den mother.
But with me, you should yet again keep your promise to STFU.
You live in Finland, jackass, you don't live in any mountains.
(just in a mountain of ignorance)
catsy, when are you going to take your own advice and stop writing me, unhappy housewife? For someone who doesn't like to "waste words" you sure like to engage? Don't you know that I don't give a shit about you, what you think about my avatar or your opinions about me or anything possible? Go play with yer toys, cucumbers, bananas and even someone's head. You are completely meaningless and mentally defective.
Conspiracies? Get real. You're too stupid to engage in any discussion worth having. Go play with your toys and be quite a nice little plaything for little bit. She needs a den mother.
But with me, you should yet again keep your promise to STFU.
You live in Finland, jackass, you don't live in any mountains.
(just in a mountain of ignorance)
. . . because Finnish is a pretty nasty sounding language spoken by caveman and women.
And because I can get to read little bit's compliments about my intelligence and my apparent lack of emotional intelligence when my whole motivation for even coming onto this site for hormonally and neurologically imbalanced was to make sure that she was okay.
(She isn't, but at least she is in the company of convenient enablers :-)
You monkeys are more fun than even little bit herself. I can't be too hard on little bit because of what she suffered and what we went through together, but I haven't caught a real live moron like catsy the unhappy housewife bulldyke in a while, so yes, the narcissistic/sadistic side of me wants to pull the legs off of this defenseless Mongoloid named Cracy who, with every post reveals her amazing lack of imagination, predictability and meaninglessness. She is somehow trying to compete for bit's attention by engaging with me, but even though little bit might be in the midst of a mental fog, she is not so crazy to realize that Cracy is just making a fool out of herself, hence little bit's posts are getting nicer and nicer.
Keep going, unhappy housewife, you are only playing a game that you will end up losing.
Aika pahaa tekstiä.
Tällainen ihminen saa provosoitumaan, minäkin provosoiduin 12 vuotta.
Voimalan keskustelu kiroilemisesta on lasten juttua tämän rinnalla, ihan lällää ja viatonta.
Anteeksi L, mutta en oo voinut olla kommentoimatta.
En tiedä teistä enempää, kuin että toivon että pääset hänestä kuiville ja mahdollisimman pian.
Satu, sinun tekstisi ei voisi olla muuta kuin balsamia haavoihin. Kai tajuat sen (:
Funny little addicted monkeys flock around third post when two other posts are barren. If you want to get lost, then feel free. Nobody invited you to offer your idiotic spelling corrections on words that you don't understand. Comment all you want, it will take a while for you monkeys to say anything intelligent and worth posting. And yes, I am provoking you monkeys (and little bit can just stand and watch), as payback for the gratuitous and asinine interruption and interjection on conversations never meant to included you voyeurs. Now that you have me, you don't want me. You stupid little monkeys should have just STFU at the start like you were advised.
But there are other empty posts that await you. Why don't you go?
Why? Because your fixated.
Small minded trolls just can't pull yourself away.
You are my little minion playthings.
Hell, little bit can't have all the fun with you weak minded little puppies.
Even though you regard yourself as Napoleon, we don't see ourselves as your army. You are clearly delusional because your ego is collapsing due to felt insecurity and fear. That is evident by your sentimentalism and uncontrollable temper tantrum. You will be blowing your fuse one day and then you will be handcuffed as you should've been in the first place. You are delusional enough to think you could raise a child for anything else than a psychopath of your caliber. No kids should be let anywhere near you. You know why, because you cannot control yourself.
Enough said. Apparently you haven't even started reading the book on narcissism, meaning, your vulnerabilities.
Stop littering this blog!
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