keskiviikko 16. huhtikuuta 2008

Magee Blogi!

Toivottavasti et laihduta. Tai jos oletkin dieetillä, toivottavasti et siinä tapauksessa osaa leipoa. Jos kuitenkin vahdit linjojasi ja pärjäät myös kakkuvuokien kanssa, älä missään tapauksessa klikkaa tekstini otsikkoa!!!
Aivan ihana herkkuaitta sekä suulle että silmille. Tämä ilahdutti tänään (^^).

28 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Seems very strange that you send me an email about your blog, but won't talk to me. Seems kind of sad that you are now on this mission for self expression, but won't express it to someone with whom you were trying to have a child.

Pretty sad.

Bit kirjoitti...

Sad indeed!

That this was the only option I could figure out to "soften" the crash that will follow as I'll be strong enough to come back to certain enviroment where there's a high risk to meet you. I was hoping that you wouldn't demand great explanations after reading me for a while, for I possibly can't say anything new - you just don't get what I've already told you.

Lack of communication. Or anything in common... That is what is between us today. I wish things could be otherwise but I don't believe in it. I wish my sick mind had not created the illusion of us being a couple, too, and not just parents of that child in another dimension. Anyway, s/he's happy now, playing with all the other kids of yours, maybe. In this life, do not mention that baby EVER AGAIN! Thank you.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

There are things in common, and communication should not have to take place on the pages of this blog. It is more personal than that. I just wish that we could sit down over a coffee somewhere and talk. Talking is healthy. We have gone through a lot and I am not your enemy and have never wished anything bad for you, despite the fact that you have not felt the same towards me. And there have been times when I have wanted to explore the possibility of us being a couple, but in those times you have not been willing to believe me.

This really is not a nice place to have this discussion. I really wish that we could meet over coffee or something and talk like civilized people.

Bit kirjoitti...

Yes. There were times when you even asked me to move in with you.

That was after you had thrown me on the street, twice, when I was completely out of my mind, terrified and scared (in your place). After this you have called me lunatic and crazy - which I am - because of "jumping to the walls" there. Someone else would not have abandoned a person who he cares about in that state of mind, though -

It was after I had heard that you had had "a real love" by your side while I was expecting your child that the first lady couldn't provide. And that there was even a third of us.

And, it was after I had heard opinions and experiences of your ex-girlfriends about you. Not the nicest stories, really!

You brought this debate to my site; I'm ready to end it here. And, don't you worry - we will meet ):

Stacy kirjoitti...

Hey freak!
Are you stupid enough not to get a clue or do you really have no class?
She doesn't want to have anything to do with a psychopath of your kind.
It is one thing to be born in this sorry country and another is to end up here voluntarily.

angry_dragon kirjoitti...

bit: "I was hoping that you wouldn't demand great explanations after reading me for a while,"

I understand that. I've been there ... (concerning somebody else of the same type). He won't have empathy for you, ever! This is a good example of how he only uses that kind of assumptions of yours for his own purposes.

anonyymi: "... communication should not have to take place on the pages of this blog."

The big Q is, whether there should be communication between you two at all. I happen to know the answer: NO!!!! ... or are you saying, you are so damn weak, you think you need bit to survive ...??? LOL! If you really felt weak, you should contact psychiatrist professionals, not bit. That could be a good idea anyway, assuming those professionals weren't easy to fool.

anon.: "I just wish that we could sit down over a coffee somewhere and talk. Talking is healthy."

Keep wishing for the rest of your life if you can't help it, but don't disturb bit by telling her about it. Talking is healthy only when it's healthy. It wouldn't be that for the other in this case - as if you cared about that. I think you only care about whether you can use that woman again, since she seemed so weak, good and easy to handle. NEWSFLASH: she isn't like that any more. She isn't stubid after all!!! As a well she's dried up. Nada!

anon.: "... the fact that you have not felt the same towards me."

Surely she did not wish to use you like you used her. There you are right, even though you are trying to mislead. Maybe she even loved you. Nope, she really didn't feel the same as you did.

anon.: "This really is not a nice place to have this discussion. I really wish that we could meet over coffee or something and talk like civilized people."

Ha. Ha. Ha. I think I know the type of purpose you have here. And that is anything but civilized.

bit: "After this you have called me lunatic and crazy - which I am"

No, bit, you are neither lunatic nor crazy, don't go for that!!

I think it's only right that you exposed that psycho here, since he had the guts to make contact this way, or in any way. It should have been clear to him by now, that you don't wish that. (Maybe he isn't that clever after all?)

I think asking you to meet over coffee is outrageous!

bit: "I'm ready to end it here."


To "anonyymi":
No, you don't know me, neither will you get to know me either. I know you well enough. I know your type.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

catsy, you don't know me or know much about me. Maybe you should mind your own business. And that goes for the the other bandwagon people who feel the need to offer their gratuitous and unwanted opinions.

I suspect that these so called experts on our friend have known her for less than a few months, yet think that they know who she it.

As far as knowing me, it's an even bigger joke.

For your information, if this woman cannot deal with the child that we lost, she will never be healthy. Losing a child is a major issue, and you monkeys offering your two cents don't help on this point.

Sorry. Maybe you people should stop feeling threatened by my relationship with her that you feel the need to intervene like attack dogs. Attack you may, dogs you appear.


Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Hei ihmiset -> nyt mennään sinne kakkukahville -valita voi em. otsikon erikoisvalikoimasta!
Välillä pitää herkutella että jaksaa tätä kovaa elämää. Ja käydä kylmässä suihkussa.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

"To "anonyymi":
No, you don't know me, neither will you get to know me either. I know you well enough. I know your type."

Words of a true jackass. I am a psycho because I try to reach out to someone I care about? What kind of glue have you been sniffing that has rotten that pea sized brain of yours?

Get real. Someone with so little inforation should just STFU and keep quiet. The first post in this thread said that conversations between us should NOT be conducted on a blog like this, such as to attract retards, morons, leaches, armchair pyscholologists, and other parasites such as yourself.

By the way, nobody gives a shit about what you think is "outrageous·" Neither you nor you opinions are relevant.


Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Anyway, "bit", I am sorry once again that you feel the need to try to have a conversation on this blogsite in front of these pathetic voyeurs rather than something more reasonable. And you know damn well that much of what was told to you were lies, after I showed you emails proving that.

The bottom line is that I saw you the day before you went to the hospital and you asked me to visit you there, then subsequently disappeared. These morons and idiots think that they have idea about me, but simply reveal their stupidity in the process.

And yes, I told you to leave the apartment when you were climbing up the walls. You hadn't seemed that crazy so yes, I was quite surprised at those times. But since those times I still called you and cared for you, and saw you after that. It also kinda pissed me off that you were wanting to refuse to repay in a timely fashion the two thousand euros that I lent you when you asked me, saying that somehow it was my fault that you were going crazy and that I somehow forfeited the money I lent you that you had been repeatedly asking me for. So I couldn't completely trust you, as well as the other things that you know that you were doing to betray my trust for you.

As I said, these are not the kind of things that should be discussed on your blog, but given that this is the forum you have left me, I must resort to it.

You said that it is somehow inevitable that we see each other eventually. I hope when that happens, it doesn't have to be as stressful as these overreacting harpies fluttering overhead seem to fear.


Anonyymi kirjoitti...

I guess it is kinda funny, the major typo:

And you know damn well that much of what was told to you were NOT lies, after I showed you emails proving that.

Bit kirjoitti...

Kuten kirjoitustyylin muutoksesta huomaatte, erään pimeä puoli pukkaa esiin.

And you know damn well that much of what was told to you were lies, after I showed you emails proving that.

Ja sitten poistit puhelimestani kaikki omat viestisi, mutta kieltäydyit poistamasta omasta sähköpostistasi minun viestejäni vaikka toistuvasti pyysin. Ehkä jotta voisit "todistaa" jotain jollekin toiselle myöhemmin?

The bottom line is that I saw you the day before you went to the hospital and you asked me to visit you there, then subsequently disappeared.

En olisi päässyt sinusta eroon ellen olisi sanonut niin!!! Miksiköhän vaihdoin puhelinnumeroa ekana päivänä siellä sairaalassa? Ja muutin toiseen paikkaan pian sieltä pois päästyäni? Ja blokkasin sinut niistä sähköposteista, tosin vasta sitten kun huomasin että aloit kysellä minua KUUKAUSI viimeisen tapaamisen jälkeen. Taisi olla kiire muualla.

These morons and idiots think that they have idea about me, but simply reveal their stupidity in the process.

Kukahan tässä paljastuu tyhmäksi -

And yes, I told you to leave the apartment when you were climbing up the walls.

Keskellä yötä kun en enää päässyt julkisilla kotiin. Taksi veikin minut sitten äidin ja isin luo. Oli hieman noloa, mutta kotiinkaan en yksin uskaltanut mennä. Niin hyvä olo oli silloin ):

You hadn't seemed that crazy so yes, I was quite surprised at those times.

Jännä, kun kumminkin kutsuin mnua hulluksi ihan koko ajan.

But since those times I still called you

Vaikka välillä kielsin.

and cared for you,

Niin. Sinä välität niin monista. Ihan kuten minä. Me vaan näytetään se vähän eri tavoilla, luulen.

It also kinda pissed me off that you were wanting to refuse to repay in a timely fashion the two thousand euros that I lent you when you asked me, saying that somehow it was my fault that you were going crazy and that I somehow forfeited the money I lent you that you had been repeatedly asking me for.

Juupajuu, näinhän se meni. Eromme jälkeen maksuaikataulu tiukkeni niin, että lainasta tulikin haitta. Eräs täällä kommentoinut olisi ollut valmis maksamaan ne loput 700, elleivät vanhempani olisi ehtneet ensin. En ala täällä kertomaan miten paljon tienaat, mutta muistan kyllä miten sanoit ettei kyseesä ole big deal ja että snua ärsytti kun kiittelin asiasta moneen kertaan.

So I couldn't completely trust you, as well as the other things that you know that you were doing to betray my trust for you.

Kävin siis kahvilla sen kolmannen kanssa. Ihan hurmurimme selän takana!

You said that it is somehow inevitable that we see each other eventually.

Näin sinut jo vahingossa, kun tein ihan lyhyen visiitin sinne, minne on pakko palata kunhan elämä taas jatkuu. Tai, voisitko muuttaa sinne Pariisiin vaikka? Vai havitteletko sen suosikkiproffasi paikkaa täällä...? Muut bisneksesi olisi helppo siirtää.

I hope when that happens, it doesn't have to be as stressful as these overreacting harpies fluttering overhead seem to fear.

Kamalaa kieltä sinä kyllä käytät. Minä käytin tällä kertaa Suomea, ymmärräthän sitä ihan hyvin. Nyt loppu! (Sitten sinne kylmään suihkuun.)

Kiitokset kissalle ja lohikäärmeelle.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Anyway, you can have your delusions about some crimes in your head that I have committed. You know as much about the law as you do with being mentally healthy. And this fixation of yours on hatred will get you nowhere.

Anyway, little Laura, it is sad that you have surrounded yourself with your new found internet friends and lovers trying to convince them that you have been tortured by some psychopath. I have tried to extend my friendship to you, but still see that you are in massive denial. Best of luck with your judicial fantasies.

And thank you cat and the dragon too serving as the puppets that you need around you.

Just a note for the cat and the dragon: keep your money in your pocket when it comes to "bit." And though she may be a bit "fun", when you are of no use to her, you will yourself remembering this thread.

Cheers, dear. Keep us the fantasies. By the way, as I have told you before, the brain pills do not work. Just fucking up an already abused organ. You should try other methods (other than your nocturnal addictions/distractions).

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

And regarding the "cold shower" reference, it is pretty sad that that is the only thing for which you see yourself useful. I guess it is hard to imagine, with so much self hatred, that somebody could care for you for some other reason. But as we well know with this disgustingly selfish and pathetic Finnish culture, if someone doesn't "get" something from someone, you small and pathetic people cannot understand any other use.

Sad little people you are.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

So much for your wasted money and false hopes:

Bit kirjoitti...

Thank you for warning my "lovers" about me. Now they know who I really am.

Thank you also for the information behind the link. Now I'm aware of my four euros per month going waisted, and that I'm just imagining to feel a little better.

I don't trust the pills alone, by the way. And I know that you have never bothered to read any study pro-them.

Now, leave me alone. Live your own life, go your own way.

Stacy kirjoitti...

"Just a note for the cat and the dragon: keep your money in your pocket when it comes to "bit." And though she may be a bit "fun", when you are of no use to her, you will yourself remembering this thread."

Thank you for you taking care of our financial concerns, even when it is unsolicited.
Being much better in the art of narcissism than you are, I recognize that you have cast a shade of doubt on Bit's fame and you expect that if she cheats me, I would lick my wounds in silence.

I would not. I will recognize this thread the very day she cheated on me. I can even buy you a lunch. Before that you will remain as a person who has cast an ad hominem.

angry_dragon kirjoitti...

To little anonymous:

Boy, did you ever burst out! Something touched you, I'm sure!

"For your information, if this woman cannot deal with the child that we lost, she will never be healthy. Losing a child is a major issue, and you monkeys offering your two cents don't help on this point."

So you think YOU are the very thing she needs??? How dumb are you not to understand she doesn't want to have anything to do with you?

"I am a psycho because I try to reach out to someone I care about?"

No. Because you trying to "reach out" to someone who doesn't want you to make any contact. You call that caring? Or the all-so-loveable way you've put your comments to her here?

"As I said, these are not the kind of things that should be discussed on your blog, but given that this is the forum you have left me, I must resort to it."

You must? REALLY???? Given that this is the only forum bit has left you, you should get the hint! SHE DOESN'T WANT TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU. Get it?

"I have tried to extend my friendship to you, but still see that you are in massive denial."

She doesn't want to communicate with you. She's begging you to leave her alone, but still you "have tried to extend" your "friendship to" her. If it's so damn hard, (and it is, oh yes!), drop it! (It's no use. The well has dried as I said. Don't waste your breath!)

I might well be a "puppet" that she needs around her, if you want, but you she does not need.

Now, I wrote it at least four times here. Is that enough for your brains?

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Listen little dragon, got repetition? Do you think that you are somebody important? Pssst, you're not. I was trying to reach out to someone I cared about, but obviously she is still as fucked up now as she was before she went to the loony bin. I reached out to her because I was hoping that she could be better. But she's not. And yes, I will leave her to rot with the scum of the earth, psychologically fucked up, socially and sexually deviant and dependents such as yourself. And yes, you are a pathetic puppet, and you may be fulfilling her needs for the moment. But puppet you are, and always will be.

But I don't have to maintain contact with her, but I tried. But my not maintaining contact with her has absolutely nothing to do with the pathetic little maggots and worms with whom she surrounds herself with now. You people deserve each other, and you will hate life, pray to false gods and fuck yourself out of dealing with reality together, as you beg for spare change and try to find something that fills your lives with meaning, trolling and trying to defend a girl with the name "depressive", whom you have likely only met through some internet sex forum, and about whom you feel that you might be able to flex your pathetic muscles because you might be fucking.

I've been there done that more times than I cared to (much more). But that is not what it was all about. But you should mind your fucking business. And yes, I warned you about her, but you pathetic social misfits, so long as you can get a little proxy "love", won't give a shit.

And yes, the baby thing was a big deal and our relationship was a big deal, any you little collective maggots are simply the playthings that she uses to try to fill the void.

Voi hyvin, you pathetic monkeys. You think you know me? Get real. You know not me, you know not "bit" and you know not yourselves.

You are simply trolls.

Buh bye, Laura, I will wait for your threats to manifest themselves. More bullshit for which you are famous. One day you'll get out of your delusions. But hanging with these cretins, it obviously will take a while.


(By the way, I didn't have to "lick my wounds", I got my money back. I don't allow people to pimp me. And so she's angry. And now she's got you!)

Jokes you are. Smile!

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

"Thank you for you taking care of our financial concerns, even when it is unsolicited"

PS: if you were concerned about unsolicited advice, you would've STFU from the very start.

Pathetic little trollish monkey you are.

Stacy kirjoitti...

I see, you are nothing but flatlander whose specialty is mastering gutter speech.
Behave around ladies, Mister!

Totally blowing your fuse off tells more than I ever can. Did you pull legs off from spiders when you were a kid.

Sorry, if I wrestle with a swine, I get dirty and the swine enjoys it. Have fun with yoruself only!

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

You pathetic jackass, you are betrayed by your own words:

"Hey freak!
Are you stupid enough not to get a clue or do you really have no class?
She doesn't want to have anything to do with a psychopath of your kind."

So yes, I shit upon half wits who talk out of their ass about things about which they have no idea. And yes, I can respond in kind to humiliate a cretin such as yourself who jumps into shit of which she has no business.

So yes, STFU, and yes, don't go playing with me. You won't get dirty, but you will surely get your feelings hurt, you pathetic playing of the object of your fixation.

I haven't caught a real live moron in a while. But if you want to jump into the trap, it will be fun to expose you as the pathetic playing idiot that you are. So be a good little "expert" on things Laura, just mind your fucking business, and keep your own unsolicited advice, unwanted opinion and unnecessary presence from addressing me at all.

And if you're the one who was married in San Francisco, I might know more about you then you realize. And then you should REALLY STFU.

Begone, roach.

Bit kirjoitti...


Things just can't get more civilized than this!

No, she is not the one who was married in Frisco. I think she will tell more about her self if she wants to (and I bet she won't).

I don't know anything about some internet sex forums (maybe you do?) but I can tell you that lately I've been amazed to meet such warm hearted people than these, through other forums (:

Why the hell do you care about "worms" like us??? Just stay where you are and enjoy your (so called) luxury life.

BTW, My mom - who used to like you, remember? - was asking some words that she couldn't understand here, and was to find out that you really use a bad language. Shame you!!!

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

"I don't know anything about some internet sex forums"

Really, dear? You mean you WEREN'T on those chat forums meeting "friends" with whom to go out and experience your "new self"?

Get real.

And yes, when someone is called a psychopath and freak by someone who I have never met, yes, I will call them a fucking cretin, harpy, pathetic monkey, sycophant, myrmidon, idiot troll.

Which one of those words doesn't your mum understand? I can explain them to her.

The bottom line is that I simply wanted to reach out to you to find out that you were okay. You sent me this blog and I simply wanted to talk to you. You have said no, and I say okay, I tried my best. But to put up with this bullshit from your newfound idiot "friends" who want to tell me about myself based on your ravings is too much.

For the record, I use really bad language when surrounded by morons for whom polite conversation doesn't work. At the start of the thread I was quite polite. And now after being called such names by idiots calling themselves cats and dragons I can freely refer to the as the pathetic rat shit eaters that they are.

Didja get the meaning of that mums?

Your mother is extremely nice. But that doesn't excuse the fact that your running away without even a word of how you were doing when you KNEW that I was hoping to make sure you were okay at the hospital is pathetic. The last time I saw you you were drunk trying to avoid going to the hospital for your appointment and then postponing it for the next day. These shit eating clingers on have no idea of our relationship except through the bullshit that you have told them. So I am not surprised that they are brainwashed and stupid. I am more surprised that they are so stupid that they think that they know me and can offer me advice based on so little reliable knowledge or simply based on the fact that they might be fucking you now.


Yes, one of the privileges of being a grown up is that you can use bad language when you want. If you don't like it, turn the channel. And for you voyeuristic pathetic myrmidons, it means that you should simply remain silent until this conversation does a natural death, which would be sooner if you didn't insert your idiocy into it.

Peace, "bit", perhaps you can tell your little posse to keep quiet and strike up a new conversation on another thread. But, oops, guess what? Nobody had really given a shit about the other threads, hunh? Funny how that works.

Pathetic little lackey trolls you are.

Peace, Laura. Get better. Tell you mother (or let your mother read) that I think that she is a wonderful woman, and she really made me feel great.

Sorry that I didn't have a better chance to show her who I am, other than through the insane funny farm lens through which you present reality.

As I said, I hope you get better. And you can keep your scummy chums. As far as your family goes, I have deep respect for them and what they have done. And leaving you alone is not a problem, I just tried to let you know that I cared. You don't often make good choices, so running away like a crazy person into the arms of these people, while convenient, shouldn't be any different.

Cheers, dear.

Know nothing about internet chat forums, hunh? That is pretty funny. Guess you don't know anything about plastic gadgets either, hunh, Miss (hypo)Christian princess.

Get real, dear.

Bit kirjoitti...

If I were healthier, I wouldn't spend my Friday night like this... Please, stop already!

"For the record, I use really bad language when surrounded by morons for whom polite conversation doesn't work."

I've noticed there are LOTS of people that are such morons.

"Really, dear? You mean you WEREN'T on those chat forums meeting "friends" with whom to go out and experience your "new self"?"

What do you know about my self, the old or the new? Even my mom can tell you that I have always been what I am. The internet came a bit too late to tell me that.

"I simply wanted to reach out to you to find out that you were okay."

Now you know.

"These shit eating clingers on have no idea of our relationship except through the bullshit that you have told them."

Like I didn't have any other idea (about our so called relationship)than what you had told me ):

"I am more surprised that they are so stupid that they think that they know me and can offer me advice based on so little reliable knowledge or simply based on the fact that they might be fucking you now."

Nobody is. Remember what I told you one day? It is true. Still, I don't want you back. Am testing my self, I guess.

"Yes, one of the privileges of being a grown up is that you can use bad language when you want. If you don't like it, turn the channel."

I turned it. Hoping that you wouldn't return.

"As far as your family goes, I have deep respect for them and what they have done."


Stacy kirjoitti...

By Golly!

There are no excuses for using foul language. Judging by your texts, you are like a Finnish teenager. A scared drama-queen, like Pekka-Eric Auvinen, your colleague (he had also delusions of supremacy and grandeur) behind your monitor. Are you going to shoot people in your school also?

I don't care if some flatlander knows about me. You are such a princess that you probably would giggle and blush if we ever met. I doubt we do, I don't associate with hysterics.

angry_dragon kirjoitti...

Tämä kuvannee melko hyvin sitä, missä määrin välität bitistä ja arvostat häntä:

"And yes, I will leave her to rot with the scum of the earth, psychologically fucked up, socially and sexually deviant and dependents such as yourself"

"I've been there done that more times than I cared to" --- Viittasit seksiin hänen kanssaan.

"And yes, I warned you about her,"

"Buh bye, Laura, I will wait for your threats to manifest themselves. More bullshit for which you are famous."

Hämmästyttävää, että kaiken tuon jälkeen kirjoitat:

"Peace, Laura. Get better. --- I just tried to let you know that I cared."


"that doesn't excuse the fact that your running away without even a word of how you were doing when you KNEW that I was hoping to make sure you were okay at the hospital is pathetic."

Masennuspotilaana bitin olisi siis ollut ensisijaisesti pidettävä huolta siitä, että SINUN toiveesi toteutuu? Aina elämässä ei saa mitä haluaa. Yleensä tämä opitaan hyvin varhaisessa lapsuudessa. Kuinkas vanha olitkaan?


"These shit eating clingers on have no idea of our relationship except through the bullshit that you have told them."

Kenen suhteesta puhumme? Vainko sinun? Luulin, että bitilläkin oli siinä jonkinlainen sisäpiirirooli, jolloin voisi olettaa hänelläkin olevan ihan oikeaa tietoa.


"Yes, one of the privileges of being a grown up is that you can use bad language when you want. If you don't like it, turn the channel."

Todella, kuinka nuori mahdat ollakaan ...? Monilla lapsilla on juuri tuollainen käsitys aikuisista. Kenties leikit täällä sitten aikuista, koska käytät tietoisesti alatyylisiä ilmaisuja. Haluatko tehdä vaikutuksen johonkuhun meistä?

Minua ei muuten ole kiinnostanut vaihtaa kanavaa: saat minut jatkuvasti huvittumaan - jopa nauramaan suureen ääneen. Luin paikallaolleellekin, ja hänkin nauroi makeasti.

"You have said no, and I say okay,"

Miksi et ole vielä kadonnut blogista sitten?

"But to put up with this bullshit from your newfound idiot "friends" who want to tell me about myself based on your ravings is too much."

Sinua lainatakseni: "If you don't like it, turn the channel." Yhä odotan uteliaana, milloin mahdat lopettaa shown.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Voimia oikein paljon, Bit! Ole erittäin onnellinen tuesta, joka sinulla näyttää olevan!

T. Melkeinpä saman kokenut, pikkuhiljaa ylipääsemässä oleva nuori nainen